Sweet Battle

Sweet Battle 1 is at Rope Street.1. Go to Rope Street or the Park and click on one of the purple teleporters.
Sweet Battle 2 is at the Park.

This is a 2 player + game.
2. Click on the candy you want to use. They all different effects and cause different amount of damage, so try them all out =)
Move your mouse to choose the power of your throw and the direction the candy will go.
Use the walk and run actions to move your chobot to avoid getting hit by candy.
Click on the background of the game to explore more.
Sweet Battle 1 and 2 have different game backgrounds, so try them all out =)
3. To win you must get the other chobot's health down to 0. However, if your health reaches 0 it's game over and they win.

Good luck Candy Shooting Chobots ;)

This Guide was Created by Starlet17